
Click and drag to move around the map.
Use the controls on the bottom left to zoom in / out and switch between areal view and classic map.



Click on the Nearby button to select a rectangle around your current location
Remember to configure your browser to allow this website to access to your location.


To select a rectangle on the map click on the Rectangle button. Then, click on the map and drag while the button is still pressed.
Release the mouse button to confirm your selection.


To select a path on the map click on the Path button. Then, click on the map to select the starting point of your path. Every further click on the map will constraint the path to pass through that position. The last click on the map is the destination.
Click on the Path button again to confirm.



The panel on the left of the application window let the user to customize the visible layers on the map
Click on the checkbox to select / deselect the whole group. Click on a single layer to enable or disable it.

Time range

The Security and Information layers group can show data about the last week or the last month.
Click on the Week or Month button to switch between the two modalities.


The security layer group displays information about the crimes




Point of interest:


Additional information are accessible by clicking on an icon on the map.
The user can read the content of the tweet, check whether a bus is on time as well as the name of a restaurant or a bar
When an icon is flagged with a warning or a danger, the popup will include a small description of what this unexpected situation is about.

Warnings and Dangers

Some icons on the map are flagged with a orange or red circle. They are meant to alert the user about the presence of very dangerous situation (red circle) or situation where he should just be aware of (orange circle).
A restaurant which has not passed the food inspection or a bus not in time are common situation where a orange circle is used. Murders of other very dangerous crimes are usually flagged with a red circle.


When a real-time update occurs the user is alerted with a notification on the top-left of the application window.
In this way the user is sure not to miss any important update.


The right panel shows some visualizations about interesting data available on the city of Chicago and the user's selection.
It is possible to browse among graphs related to mobility, security and general information by clicking on the Mobility, Security and Information buttons on the bottom.
For each category are available different graphs for each layer. They are accessible by clicing on the icon on the right.